Yes, Medicare Is Complex But You Can Understand It!

The world of Medicare is complex because it is based on the law and it can feel overwhelming. Using a broker can help you navigate the complexities of Medicare. So, what exactly is Medicare? It’s the federal health insurance program for people 65 and older and certain younger people with disabilities or conditions (see if you’re eligible here). To gain a better understanding of Medicare, below are six questions most people ask. 1. What’s covered by original Medicare? There are two government-funded parts of Medicare, Parts A and B, which make …

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Medicare and Working After 65: Navigating Your Healthcare and Retirement

If You Live In the VA Tidewater Area Join Us At Our Upcoming Workshop As the golden age of 65 approaches, many people envision a life of relaxation, soaking in the well-deserved benefits of Medicare. However, a remarkable trend is emerging as more individuals choose to continue working well past this milestone. Balancing Medicare and employment requires careful consideration and understanding of the complex interactions between the two systems. In this blogpost, we’ll explore the options available to those who decide to work beyond 65, ensuring they can make informed …

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