Medicare Enrollment Roadmap

How and When to Enroll or Change Medicare Coverage

Automatic On Ramp

  • You are drawing Social Security at least four (4) months before turning 65
  • You will get a Medicare Card before your birthday month.

Annual Enrollment (October 15th – December 7th)

You can make the below changes to your Medicare Coverage:

  • Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare
  • Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage
  • Current Medicare Advantage Plan to Another Medicare Advantage Plan
  • Add or Change Part D (Prescription Drug) Plan

General Enrollment – (Medicare Advantage Enrollment /Disenrollment Period) January 1 – March 31st

Switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan

Special Enrollment Periods

Leave Job with Large Group Plan –

  • Enroll within 8 months Parts A and B
  • Enroll 2 months Part D
  • Enroll Medigap within 63 Days so you do not have to answer health questions OR 6 months if Part B Enrollment was delayed until leaving job

Moved out of Medicare Advantage Service Area

  • You have two (2) months you can move to a new Medicare Advantage Plan, Part D Plan, and Medigap Plan (with no questions)

Long Term Care – New Plan every month


1st per quarter switch Medicare Advantage Plans but have to answer Medigap plan questions

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