I leisurely started studying the VA laws and statues about life insurance, health insurance and annuities in 2019. It is absolutely fascinating information if you like to learn new information.
At about the 1.5 year mark I decided to study to become licensed in VA.
I spent many, many, many weekends studying and took the VA State test in July 2021. It was interesting because the more I studied the more there was to study. When I took the test it was a hodgepodge of questions most I knew, some I didn’t but none the less I passed. I will say that you have to study to pass the test because there are so many topics. If you think about it why would it be too easy, because you’re dealing with finances so they are going to make it a little bit hard.

After you’ve passed the test you then have to apply for your license.
Completing the licensing application was an interesting process as well. I understood not wanting people who have a criminal record to be able to become licensed, but I didn’t know they cared if you owed child support. That seemed strange to me, almost like they were trying to eliminate certain people from being licensed. It made me want to run for office, work on understanding the reason why and changing laws.
Anyway you go through the license application online and then go get your fingerprints.
Fingerprints are no longer a messy process of getting ink on your fingers. Who knew? The last time I was finger printed it was to work at the police department in Charlotte. Well now finger printing is electronic, you put your fingers on a computer tablet and it’s digitized.
A day after I got the fingerprints I went on line to check the status of my application and it as approved and I could print my license.
Seems easy…no it was not…it was a long process.
So then what?
I next wanted to understand Medicare. Why, because it seemed needlessly confusing. It’s ridiculously confusing for seniors (and now I know why…you have to follow the money flow to figure it out).
To sell medicare policies you need to get a certification to sell Medicare Advantage. This is through America Health Insurance Plans (AHIP). There are several modules that are ALOT of hard and confusing information…more than studying for the insurance license itself… but I plowed through it because honestly I wanted to understand it for myself and for others who won’t have the time to do all this studying.
As you will see as this blog grows I will start selling Medicare and then other Health Insurance products, Life Insurance, and Annuities. I don’t particularly like sales – AT ALL. How do I know this…because I didn’t like selling real estate, or “selling” my art at art shows, or when I had a gift shop. I do like educating people and helping them to learn information that is useful. I can do that, but I won’t be selling to people. Honestly I don’t think I’ll need to…time will tell.